Posted tagged ‘groundsmen’

The new staff wages

December 26, 2008

As you might have read on SoccerProject, the new season comes with quite a big adjustment:

“For a really long time already, staff members have been feeling undervalued because of the low wage they were earning compared to the player’s wages. Therefor, the wage demands from all staff members will raise as from now. It’s up to each manager to find out how much, but we’re sure you will need to raise their current wage significantly. Also this will make each manager think about which staff he needs and how good they need to be for their team …

As a compensation SoccerProject will be increasing the number of stadium banners.

We have chosen not to announce this measure in advance, because this would have given current managers an even bigger edge over new managers. New managers will have to pay these new wages immediately, whereas the current staff members keep their current contracts.”

Not only will this add an extra to dimension to SoccerProject, because managers now will have to think about which staff to hire, I’m also glad there is now an exponential curve in the staff wage demands.

Staff wages

As you can see, better coaches will now ask for more. Better said, the wage difference between a 90% coach and a 100% coach will be a lot bigger than the difference between a 30% and a 40% coach. I think that’s a great improvement and makes SoccerProject again a little bit more realistic.